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Legal Translation at tradulex

Image Legal translations by tradulex team members mainly cover civil, criminal, financial and commercial law. The translators painstakingly convey shades of meaning and ensure that the legal reasoning is accurate, while still observing the linguistic requirements of the target languages.

tradulex legal translators are highly experienced in transitioning from one to another language and from one legal system to another. This experience, combined with the fact that they specialize in legal translation, allows them to avoid the standard pitfalls and submit quality translations for arbitration tribunals, international attorneys, banks, and companies that use the team’s services.

tradulex works with sworn or certified translators in a number of countries, as well as lawyers and legal translation professors. These specialists consult with each other to address the challenges that any given document may present. However, this team effort still leaves confidentiality intact, since the specific information in documents is never shared without the client’s express consent.

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